I have been tagged in 'Food Bloggers unplugged' by the lovely Jennifer from L'heure du the' and it's the first time Ive ever been tagged in anything in the food blogging world so yey for me!
What or who inspired you to start a blog?Well to be honest I was kind of forced into doing my blog by my boyfriend who was getting increasingly frustrated with my food obsession and he said I needed an outlet for it and so suggested (made) me start a blog. I thought blogs were for socially inept weirdo's if I'm perfectly honest but I am happy to say now that it was one best idea's he has ever had because I love it and your not all weirdo's, hooray!
Who is your foodie inspiration?My first foodie inspiration is most defiantly my lovely Mummy who worked as a chef for many years and instilled the importance of locally sourced, organic, home-grown and home-made food into me and my brother
My brother and I were bought up to appreciate and love good food and we were always in the kitchen helping her whilst learning. I still ring my Mum if I need help with a cooking question!
Your greatest, batter-splattered food/drink book is?I have a few books I return to time and time again including Nigel Slaters 'Real Food' I mean who wouldn't love a book that has chapters that are devoted entirely to chocolate and sausages?! Another all time favourite is Simon Hopkinson's 'Roast Chicken and Other Stories' and I adore the way it is written.
Last but not least is Nigella Lawson 'Christmas', what can I say Christmas is my favourite time of year and Nigella's book is the kind you really can sit in bed with a cup of tea and read late into the night, love it.
Tell us all about the best thing you have ever eaten in another country, where was it, what as it?That is a hard question to answer but I would actually have to say it would be having breakfast in Australia which isn's amazingly exciting but god I adored the breakfast out there, sweetcorn fitters with creme fresh, rocket and sweet chili sauce or gorgeous eggs benedict with home-made sour dough bread or roast mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach and scrambled eggs or ricotta pancakes with figs and honey, the list could go on!
Another food blogger's table you'd like to eat at is?I want to eat at so many other food bloggers tables, I couldn't even begin to list them!
What is the one kitchen gadget you would ask Santa for this year (money no object of course)?I'm going to say the most given answer ever probably but I want a kitchen aid really badly!!
Who taught you to cook?My Mum taught me to cook and Ive always been one for reading 100's of cookbooks and finding out the answers to things by looking on the Internet. I hate following recipes so am very much a trial and error kind of girl!
I'm coming to you for dinner, what's your signature dish?My signature dish would have to be a traditional Sunday roast with all the trimmings wrther it be a roast chicken with a lemon in the cavity rubbed with butter and herbs, or rare roast beef or pork belly with crackling and apple sauce. I always make home-made Yorkshire pudding no matter what the meat is and my creamed leeks with a bit of mature Cheddar stirred in, goose fat roast potatoes, mashed carrot and swede, cabbage and roast parsnips all covered in a lovely wine flavoured gravy.
What is your guilty food pleasure?Anything with synthetic cheese like cheese moments or dairylea dunkers, I can't help myself.
Reveal something about yourself that others would be surprised to learn.When I was a tiny baby my Dad was in a play in the west end and the legendary Jack Nicholson came to see it and at the end he came backstage to meet the cast. He went to my Dad's dressing room where I was with my Mum and he asked if he could hold me which of course was fine! So I have been held in the arms of Jack Nicholson, Ooh and I guess some of you may not know Im heavily tattooed!
Your ment to pick five more bloggers to pass the questions on to but Ive been naughty and chosen 6, sorry it was to hard to pick 5!
Gary from
Exploits of a Food Nut
Olivia from
la bonne bouffThe wonderful lady from
The Art of Being Perfect The Very lovely
Beach Hut Cook And
Good Food In A Crap KitchenLovely Phil from
As Strong as Soup